“This Inspiring Young Man is Repairing His Prosthetic Leg, Touching Millions of Hearts

We are pleased to inform you of great news – the process of manufacturing a prosthesis for Rodion Ulyanov has been completed!

In the InSTEP workshop, the boy was given a left lower leg prosthesis with a movable knee joint.
Just recently, Rodion was given a preliminary, temporary prosthesis for trial wear. But Rodion quickly got used to using it. The temporary sleeve sat comfortably and comfortably. Therefore, the masters produced a full-fledged permanent prosthesis in the shortest possible time.

Rodion is already fully mastering his new leg and taking confident steps! With the previous prosthesis, the boy’s knee was immobile, and walking in it was difficult and uncomfortable. Rodion could not even sit, but moved with great difficulty, throwing his leg strongly to the side. Now Rodion will not have such difficulties. The new prosthesis is made of modern materials that not only ensure reliable attachment, without unnecessary straps, but will also not cause irritation to the boy’s skin.
“Finally, you will be able to live fully. After all, before, with the old prosthesis, Rodion could not really move. A huge thank you to everyone who helped our boy get back on his feet!” – Rodion’s mother reports.
The main task of the new prosthesis is to teach a boy from an early age to use a prosthesis independently, put it on and take it off without any help, and also to develop a correct gait. It’s good that Rodion is still small, since a properly developed gait at an early age will protect the boy from health problems in the future.
Let’s wish Rodion that walking on this prosthesis will begin his movement towards new horizons of his happy future!
We express our deep gratitude to everyone who took part in the care of this wonderful baby and, like you, worried about his health!

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