Controversy over two “alien” specimens in Mexico

(ANTV) – A week has passed, the Mexican Congress’s hearing on unidentified aerial phenomena (UPA) still attracts world public attention. At this event, a group introduced two “alien body” specimens. However, scientists up to this point are still very controversial, most do not accept this statement, saying that this has no scientific basis.


The image of these two small mummies has been shared around the world in the past week and is also the subject of much controversy.

For Mr. Jaime Maussan – a Mexican journalist and also a person with a passion for understanding unidentified flying objects (UFOs), these alien-like specimens are one of the discoveries. most important in human history.

Mr. Jaime Maussan shared that his research proves that these two specimens are about 1,000 years old and were found in 2017 in Peru.

But as for the scientific community, they do not accept this statement, saying it is completely unreasonable and has no scientific basis. The New York Times cited the suspicions of Ms. Antígona Segura Peralta – one of Mexico’s leading astrobiologists.

Reuters reporter Cassandra Garrison was allowed access to Mr. Jaime Maussan’s office, where two specimens were displayed. Subsequent conversations led to information that “the data analysis and research was actually performed on another specimen still in Peru. The two specimens that just appeared in Mexico have not been subjected to scientific analysis, because he did not want to damage them. We then had scientists look at the results independently and they said, they don’t represent anything out of the ordinary. They show a normal life on Earth.”

The situation is still unresolved, as the samples have not been analyzed by countries with the most advanced science. Previously, similar claims have been rejected by the scientific community. After analysis, they discovered that these specimens were sometimes old mummies, or sometimes they were assembled from many pieces of animals.

This new announcement not only caused fierce debate among scientists, but also angered Peruvian officials. The Peruvian Ministry of Culture spoke out about the illegal removal of Peruvian specimens, and confirmed that it had filed a criminal complaint against the parties involved.

Special water buffalo army in Brazil

If many police forces around the world choose animals such as horses and dogs to participate in tasks of maintaining law and order, then on Brazil’s Marajo Island, the police choose water buffalos to stand side by side. during patrol activities.

The number of buffaloes present in the Marajo Island police force are purebred buffaloes. They are in a huge herd of buffalo, up to nearly 500,000 animals, higher than the population on the island, only about 440,000 people. This is the only police unit in the world that uses buffaloes instead of horses to patrol. The unit began operations in the 1990s.

Besides patrolling, these water buffaloes also participate in the pursuit of suspects hiding in the wild jungles of Marajo, or chase away wild buffaloes that threaten the lives of people. .

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