The Abode of the Gods in Cusco- Near Poroy in Peru


13 kilometers from the main square of Cusco , is “The abode of the Gods Cusco”, this magical place, dazzles visitors with huge works of art made of stone, these sculptures were made by Michael Monteagudo Mejia, better known as the тιтan.
If you want to get to this place, you have to go to the final whereabouts of Sencca, (through the Tica Tica arch) 13 kilometers from the Plaza de Armas of Cusco, there walking about 30 minutes along the road, or by car about 10 minutes , until we reach a reservoir and there we find the stone sculptures.

This work of art is still under construction, and will be completed for the bicentennial of the independence of Peru (2021).
Its name in Quechua is “APUKUNAQ TIANAN”. This lithic space is being created to revalue the cultural idenтιтy in a contemporary way and thus be able to pay homage to the culture of the Incas, without breaking the environment but being part of it, keeping landscape and cultural harmony, suitable for the public of all ages.

In this masterpiece the artist tries to express the totens of Inca mythology, such as mother earth or Pachamama in Quechua, whom the Quechuas have as their greatest reverence, that is why in all the towns of Peru great rituals are made with flowers , chicha, pisco, and sweets, its main day is in fact the month of August. There is also the sculpture of the Puma, which is an animal of great respect, even from pre-Inca times, it should also be remembered that from the government of one of the most important Incas for the Tawantinsuyo empire “PACHAKUTEQ”, this Inca designed the City of Cusco in the form of a cougar, whose head is the fortress of Saqsayhuaman , and the heart of the current Plaza de Armas, so the artist from Cusco has developed a large carving of this animal in the hard rocks at the foot of the Apu or Sacred Mountain Sencca.

Another sculpture that stands out is the large double jamba cover, and on top of this is the Andean priest with his three coca leaves. Also striking, the sculpture of an ñaupa or Andean god that is emerging from the depths of the mountain, a bit referring to the myth of the Ayar brothers about the foundation of the city of Cusco .
The most representative sculpture is undoubtedly the WAYQUE or image that refers to the most powerful rulers that existed in the Tawantinsuyo Empire, it is an image with characteristics of a young Andean, with huge earmuffs and his maskaypacha, symbols of Inca royalty.

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