3S “Capturing a Heartwarming Moment: A Proud Mother Witnesses a Tender Scene as a Two-Year-Old Girl Lovingly Mimics ‘Breastfeeding’ for Her Baby Sister.” 3S

In an absolutely precious photo shared on Breastfeeding Mama Talk,LS a tiny tot pinches her ‘rolls’ and leans over her baby sister to ‘feed’ her.

“Ever caught one of your kids trying to ‘feed’ their sibling?” read the caption.

“When your 2-year old tries to feed her newborn sister,” added bemused mum Estelle Royle Peters.Eh. My babies. The older one is purple and blue from blueberries.”

And this mum isn’t the only one who has seen this happen. Commenters were quick to share their experiences too – and they’re just as adorable.

“My 2 year old will try to feed her two-month old sister too,” said one commenter. “She will get my cover, put it on, sit down in the couch, pull up her shirt and say feed sissy, then pushes her sister’s head to her chest (I put the baby on her lap). I had to get a picture of it the other day, for the blackmail when she is older.”

While another added: “I could hear, ‘Are you done? Do you want more milk? Sissy, eat your milk’. I turned to see my 6 year old boy pretending to nurse his 8 month old sister. I didn’t react much other than laugh, but it was so cute! He thought it was super funny!”

And in some cases, it’s even the younger sibling trying to give the boob to the older one!

“My one year old tried to nurse off her 5-year-old sister the other day in the bath,” said another commenter. “I thought it was so cute. Every once in a while, she will bring her toys for me to nurse thinking it will work.”

So cute!

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